

Giới thiệu về Bài kiểm tra Ngữ pháp

  • Có 40 câu hỏi trong bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp này.
  • Chúng bao gồm tất cả các cấp độ từ sơ cấp (A1) đến nâng cao (C1) theo thứ tự ngẫu nhiên.
  • Một số câu hỏi dễ hơn, một số câu hỏi khó hơn. Đừng lo lắng nếu bạn không biết câu trả lời!
  • Không sử dụng bất kỳ sách hoặc trang web nào để giúp bạn - ý tưởng là tìm ra trình độ tự nhiên của bạn!

Vui lòng nhập thông tin cá nhân để tiếp tục làm bài thi. Eduma English cam kết bảo mật thông tin cá nhân của bạn và không chia sẻ với bất kỳ bên thứ ba nào.

Kết quả kiểm tra sẽ được gửi cho bạn qua email. Vì vậy, vui lòng nhập thông tin chính xác!

1 / 40

But they ________be away – I saw them this morning!

2 / 40

She ________ have short hair, but now it’s long.

3 / 40

If he ________ one minute later, he ________ the train.

4 / 40

’ll send it to you ________ I get the money.

5 / 40

I wouldn’t say that to him if I ________ you.

6 / 40

Where ________ they from?

7 / 40

If I had more time, I ________ do more exercise.

8 / 40

That wasn’t a good idea – you ________ thought about it more carefully.

9 / 40

I wish he ________ so rude to people when we go out.

10 / 40

I don’t know where she is. I suppose she ________ got stuck in traffic.

11 / 40

Where ________ he work?

12 / 40

How did this ________ broken?

13 / 40

That smells good! What ________.

14 / 40

’m busy on Friday, so I ________ come.

15 / 40

The film ________ by Quentin Tarantino.

16 / 40

Put ________ bag on ________ table, then give me ________ apple and ________ bar of chocolate.

17 / 40

I spend too much time ________. I’d like ________ more time for myself and my family.

18 / 40

Winters here ________ be really cold sometimes, so make sure you bring warm clothes!

19 / 40

Let’s go to the cinema.
Great idea! What film ________ we watch?

20 / 40

She’s from ________, so she speaks ________.

21 / 40

She’s wearing a ________ dress.

22 / 40

I ________ like getting up early.

23 / 40

Could you tell me ________?

24 / 40

I ________ to Germany last year.

25 / 40

He drives quite ________, but his brother drives really ________.

26 / 40

She ________ in a small house near the park.

27 / 40

I drink coffee ________.

28 / 40

This house is ________, but also ________.

29 / 40

I ________ been hit by a car, but luckily I just managed to get out of the way.

30 / 40

I’ve already called her four times ________.

31 / 40

He ________ ever works as ________ as he should.

32 / 40

It was the first time he ________ anything so spicy.

33 / 40

Do you think it’s ________ rain tomorrow?

34 / 40

_______ spent time abroad when I was a student, I found it easier to get used to ________ in another country.

35 / 40

By next month I ________ all my exams, and I can relax!

36 / 40

Whose bag is this?
It’s ________.

37 / 40

I’d love to ________ in the 19th century.

38 / 40

Take a sandwich with you ________ you get hungry later.

39 / 40

I was ________ exhausted by the end of the day.

40 / 40

How long have they ________ there?

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